Saturday, August 28, 2010
I've had the last week off work, in what passes as my attempt at a summer holiday.
» On Saturday my Dad and I went for lunch in an empty pub restaurant in Sarratt. The waiter would have had nothing to do if we hadn't turned up. It rained.
» On Sunday I spent the afternoon in an ongoing psychological battle with my alcoholic uncle. I think the full time result was a draw, but I won in extra time when he passed out. It rained.
» On Monday we did that walk from Berney Arms that I told you all about. We ended up in Great Yarmouth, where we bravely sampled a hot chocolate in the station's mobile cafe. It rained a heck of a lot afterwards.
» On Tuesday I joined four pensioners for lunch in Rockland St Peter, and won't be rushing back to sample the pub's cuisine again. It rained.
» On Wednesday BestMate and I were planning to go somewhere ancient in the West Country, but it rained all afternoon so we hid underground in Essex instead.
» On Thursday I toured around Buckingham Palace before my 1-year pass ran out, then went for drinks in Hampstead. It rained constantly throughout.
» On Friday it rained again, so I gave up and stayed in all day (and did some hoovering).
Today the sun's out, so I'm going to the seaside. If you're paying attention, you'll probably be able to work out where. I bet it rains later.
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