Sunday, June 23, 2013
METROPOLITAN: Croxley Revels
"To my people in Croxley Green. On this memorable day, I am proud to greet you as your Croxley Green Revels Princess. I am happy that I have been chosen and I ask you, one and all, to make the year 2013 a very happy one. In this very lovely corner of England, of which we are so proud, let us try to find peace and goodwill in our homes and in our community. Let us try and bring happiness to those around us and to those less fortunate than ourselves."
Spoken by Natalie Peoples at Croxley Green, Hertfordshire (40 years on from an almost identical scene in John Betjeman's Metroland)

• Here's the maypole dancing
• Here's Princess Natalie and her court applauding the maypole dancing
• Here's Darth Vader and two stormtroopers outside the hotdog tent
• Here's the Croxley Revels website
• Here's my Revels report from 2009
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