Wednesday, March 29, 2017

It's a day for looking forward...
Friday, March 29, 2019
Week 0
Bank Holiday UK
00:00 Celebratory fireworks at the London Eye
00:01 End of celebratory fireworks, because we're not made of money
00:02 Cheering crowds spill out onto the streets in Romford, Stockport and Morpeth
00:05 Nigel Farage leads a conga through the streets of Margate
00:08 Several octogenarians suffer heart attacks brought on by over-exhilaration
00:10 Wow it feels good to be able to eat a bendy banana again
03:00 Police start rounding up EU-born residents
04:00 Deportation camps open
05:00 Cross Channel ferries requisitioned for Government work
06:35 In Lowestoft, groups of schoolchildren sing the National Anthem endearingly off-key
06:38 In Dover, housewives wave off the big ships taking the plumbers away
06:43 In Downing Street, the Prime Minister announces that this is a 'Golden Brexit'
06:48 In Hartlepool, Ken Loach films inspirational scenes of spontaneous jubilation
06:54 In Blackpool, the North Pier is officially closed due to lack of EU funding
06:57 In Glasgow, Lulu sings Greensleeves to an audience of morris dancers
07:06 In Penzance, effigies of Edward Heath are pushed out to sea on burning yachts
07:30 Blue-coloured passport covers start dropping through letterboxes
07:40 Today's bumper souvenir Daily Express has to be delivered in wheelbarrows
07:45 Today in The Sun, a special offer on Yes We Won, Now Send Them Back t-shirts
08:00 Thankfully it's a bank holiday, so shares don't lose ground on yesterday's record losses
08:30 Grimsby's fishing fleet goes trawling just off the north coast of the Netherlands
09:00 A market stall opens in Halifax selling wonky vegetables, weighed by the pound
09:30 At Argos, vacuum cleaners with motors over 1600 watts immediately sell out
09.43 A steamroller crushes all the great crested newts blocking the M42 extension
09.50 Clacton council votes to change all road signs to miles, before discovering they already are
10.00 The UK economy falls off that cliff edge it definitely wasn't going to fall off
10:15 Greggs announce an increase in the price of your daily pain au chocolat
10:30 Angela Leadsom opens Britain's first National Jam Festival in Kidderminster

11:00 50 gun salute in Hyde Park - no Britons injured
11:15 At Gatwick, half a million Brits return from Spain and stand around shivering
11:30 Qatar buys up Coventry with plans to replace it with a King Henry VIII theme park
11:45 Sports Direct lengthens its employees' working day to 25 hours
12.30 Dame Vera Lynn is wheeled onto the White Cliffs of Dover to shake her fist at the French
12.45 Greggs announce another increase in the price of your daily pain au chocolat
1.00 The 24 hour clock is abolished
1.30 The Chancellor announces that the 5p coin will now be known as the shilling
1.35 Cadbury launches the new smaller Empire Mars Bar, still at the same price of 15 shillings
2.00 Sponsored by Sky Atlantic, the Queen opens this joyful celebration in Hyde Park
2.30 Sponsored by EasyJet, the Red, White and Blue Arrows fly over the main arena
2.45 Sponsored by Marks and Spencer, visitors unwrap their egg sandwiches and pork pies
3.30 Sponsored by Daily Mail, Britons unite in the Two Minute Hate
3.30 While everyone's busy with parties and celebrating, the retirement age is raised to 72
4.00 In Birmingham, thousands of teenagers attend the first Great Britain Youth Rally
4.10 Schools start to receive the new official history textbook - This Sceptred Isle
4.30 Police open 24 hour hotline for reporting People Who Look A Bit Belgian
5.00 Michael Gove opens this week's new NHS hospital, paid for by £350m of saved money
5.15 Three mile queues form at the new Irish border - politicians seek urgent solution
6.00 News from Calais that the EU deportation camps are now full to bursting
6.01 House prices plummet as 2.3m homes have suddenly become vacant
6.30 Reports that half the vegetables in Lincolnshire are now rotting in the fields
6.35 Reports that work has stopped on all the basement extensions in Kensington
6.40 Reports that nobody in Clapham knows how to fix a leaky tap any more - floods expected
6.50 Unconfirmed reports that a hospital in Preston still has sufficient nursing staff
7.00 All the lamps along The Mall are replaced by incandescent lightbulbs
8.00 In Trafalgar Square, Boris Johnson sets light to the Bonfire of Regulations
9.00 Nigel Farage seen at Heathrow Airport boarding a plane to Düsseldorf
9.30 The Queen waves off Prince Philip as he is deported on the new Royal Yacht
10.00 It is revealed that Scotland held a secret referendum today, and voted to leave the UK
10.15 To avoid further disruption, Northern Ireland throws in its lot with the Republic nextdoor
10.30 Welsh Nationalists seize their moment and erect a security wall along Offa's Dyke
11.00 A bold bright successful England takes its place on the world stage, to global indifference
11.59 Millions of people go to bed elated, after a day they never dreamed would come
11.59 Millions of people sob quietly, and await whatever madness comes next
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