Tuesday, October 31, 2017
My trip back to Hull, where I once spent a year at uni, got me thinking about all the different counties I've lived in. Turns out I've lived in nine of them. I did some calculations to tot up what percentage of my life I've spent in each county, and I came up with this ordered list.
Herts 39%
London 31%
Beds 15%
Berks 6%
Suffolk 3%
Oxon 3%
Hull 2%
Essex 1%
Norfolk 0.3%
I've got around, haven't I? Top of the list is the county of my birth, then the four different counties I've had jobs in, then the two counties where I went to university, and finally two counties representing a messy relationship. If I can hang around in the capital until Easter 2022 then London will finally overtake Hertfordshire.
I wondered whether nine counties might be rather a lot.
This is my brother's list, for example...
Norfolk 58%
Herts 38%
Hants 5%
...and this is my Dad's.
Herts 67%
Norfolk 33%
So I wondered what your list would be. Can you work your life out?
n.b. List the counties you've lived in, longest duration first.
n.b. Percentages please, not years.
n.b. It's probably best to round things to the nearest whole number.
n.b. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding.
n.b. 'Lived in' means your main home base. Holidays, hotels and brief stopovers are not included.
n.b. I used a spreadsheet to allocate the 631 months of my life so far. But feel free to be more approximate.
n.b. If your life's been particularly globetrotting you may want to list countries rather than counties.
n.b. Please spare us your life history.
Update at 150 responses (thanks!)
» The average DG reader has lived in 4 counties
» Only two readers have lived in more counties than me (Vee Jay Em has lived in 13)
» 81% of DG readers have lived in London at some point (but only 6% have always lived here)
» The average DG reader has lived in London for 39% of their life
» 42% of DG readers have lived outside the UK at some point
» 21% of DG readers cannot put a list in order of size
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