I've always enjoyed [X], and I feel sad about its loss.
[X] has been an integral part of our lives, and mine in particular, for more years than I care to imagine. It's hard to believe we might be facing a world without [X]. But as times change, this process seems to be very much underway. Why are we so keen to allow [X] to disappear?
Sometimes I get all nostalgic for the golden days of [X]. I confess I never thought [X] would fade away, but reality suggests that this is precisely what's happening. Indeed, some would argue we're already past the point of no return, and others that it's already essentially dead. In an increasingly changing world, perhaps [X]'s card was always marked.
I always used to look forward to [X] as a simple pleasure in an uncluttered life. Things were slower then, so it was always possible to relax and enjoy [X] in its most basic form. We never had any worries about wifi connections or battery usage, nor delivery windows, nor health and safety, nor a million and one other modern dilemmas, not when [X] was king.
Things seemed oh so simple then. We all took [X] for granted. I know I did. Back then [X] was just an ordinary part of daily routine, quite literally "the way things were done", the default option. All of us accepted that [X] was only available where you could get it, quite unlike today. Truly those were different times.
If you talk to today's young people about [X], they just look at you. Indeed young people often find it inconceivable that things were ever done that way, given how widespread the alternatives have become. And whilst it's not entirely fair to blame millennials for [X]'s loss, it is the general shift towards modern ways which has created this irreversible change.
Is it time to go back to the good old days, and let [X] live again? We were certainly happy then, indeed who wouldn't have been happy with [X] so simply delivered. Or have modern expectations now advanced beyond the stage that [X] could ever be successfully resurrected? I like to hope it's the former, but my heart fears it's the latter.
I sometimes worry that [X] is being taken away without any sensible alternative in its place. I certainly wasn't hurting anybody by embracing [X], none of us were. But some international committee somewhere appears to have decided that [X] must be withdrawn all the same, with minimal consultation, and now all of us must face the consequences.
I shall miss [X] when it's gone. You may not still use [X], but I still enjoy it, and partake. [X] lives on in my world, as far as is feasible, although I have to say it's getting harder to engage. Not only are fewer services offering [X] but fewer people are involved too, which makes me worry that full extinction can't be too far off.
Economically I guess the loss of [X] was always inevitable. It's no longer feasible to support a full service, not given the associated costs, and definitely not now cheaper, more efficient alternatives are available. These interventions can be seen today affecting so many aspects of life formerly deemed essential. Nothing is safe from the advance of technology, it seems, not even [X].
I'd argue that the loss of [X] has been sequential. Initially only the early adopters moved away, but the relentless introduction of new features and opportunities has meant that all the former advantages of [X] have been whittled away. No outdated medium can ever stand in the way of progress, for right or for wrong, so modal shift has been irresistible.
Of course these new approaches can't do all the things the old [X] used to offer. No digital technology will ever replace the pleasing human element the old [X] had, nor the feeling of collective endeavour. Our modern future may offer convenience, personalisation and global accessibility, but at what cost?
I see the slow disappearance of [X] as a metaphor for our changing society, the canary in a technological coalmine. Did we embrace [X] for so long only because there was nothing better? Or is there genuinely something smarter about doing things the old way? Might we all be better off going forward by stepping back?
Our daily lives are now so bombarded by stimuli that it's often impossible to switch off altogether. That's part of what we're losing by abandoning [X], the ability to kick back and immerse ourselves in one single dimension. But would it really be so terrible to maintain at least some semblance of [X] in the years ahead, rather than so brutally snuffing it out?
I don't want you to think I'm a Luddite or anything. I enjoy the choice and freedom that upgrades in methodology can bring. But I do wonder sometimes whether eliminating [X] is a step too far, an unnecessary sacrifice, the killing of a concept merely because we can.
I feel strongly about [X], as you've no doubt realised. I could tell you many tales about [X] in the old days, and how integral it's been to my existence. My anecdotes are legion. Yes, life moves on, but why must that involve [X], why can't [X] stay the same?
I value [X] and I object to its unstoppable incremental withdrawal.