Saturday, February 24, 2018
Talking point
This was the scene in Bow yesterday as a Tesco delivery driver parked up to unload groceries, blocking the Cycle Superhighway.

Have you seen this kind of obstruction on your travels? Is this kind of behaviour on the rise? Have you ever contributed to it? What do you think?
Alec: I think this is typical of drivers today, no thought of consequences, they just park up where they like, it's a disgrace. [24th February 00:12]
richard: i see this a lot. i cycle in London and you wouldn't believe how many times the so-called cycle superhighway is blocked, drivers just treat it as another place to pull off the road, even when it's so-called segregated, because it isn't really, not all of it. they block the path we cyclists need and force us out into the traffic purely for their own selfish reasons. sometimes it happens when cars pull out of sideroads, they just nudge out into the cycle lane to be able to see the traffic but that blocks us cyclists trying to get past, not that they care, it's like we don't exist [24th February 00:19]
KK: Cyclists are to blame for most of the road accidents in London. We should tarmac over these ridiculous cycle lanes and reclaim the streets. [24th February 00:20]
Martin87: This kind of obstructiveness is more common than you think. I was cycling home yesterday down a so-called superhighway when an Uber pulled over and parked in front of me and nearly knocked me down. The couple who stumbled out just laughed at me as I swerved by. I could tell a story like this most weeks. [24th February 00:24]
kendrick: Nobody could even walk round that Tesco truck without putting themselves in danger. What are these delivery drivers thinking? [24th February 00:31]
[no name given]: You definitely could walk round it. The photo isn't clear and I've never been to the area, but you definitely could walk round it, and anyone who thinks different from me is wrong. [24th February 00:36]
little wombat: But nobody could get a pushchair round it, or a wheelchair. That's appalling. We must all boycott any supermarket that does this. The driver should be sacked. The Mayor should sue. [24th February 00:45]
David: I don't see what the problem is. People need to get their food. [24th February 00:48]
Jay S: I happen to know that van is parked outside a Metropolitan Police garage. I hope the cops came out and gave the driver a ticket! [24th February 00:57]
Zoe: It was probably the police ordered the food in the first place, the lazy pigs. [24th February 01:03]
Highwayman: i think people should walk to the supermarket to get food. i walk to the supermarket to get food so i think everyone should do it. if everyone walked to the supermarket then there would not be any delivery drivers to park in cycle lanes and that would solve the problem. ten years ago there were no delivery drivers and this never happened. [24th February 01:20]
[no name given]: Actually not everyone can walk to the supermarket so you are wrong. [24th February 01:37]
Savanna: I haven't been to a supermarket in about five years, which is brilliant. I just sit at home and the driver brings it all in. Everything I ever eat just magically turns up two days after I order it. Blocking cycle lanes is a small price to pay for the convenience. [24th February 01:43]
Brixtoner: I remember a funny story that happened to me. I was cycling down the road one day on the way to the dentist. There was a bicycle parked in the cycle lane and I had to go round it. I remember spotting the bike was blue and so was the cycle lane and how funny that was. Even my dentist laughed. I had two fillings. [24th February 01:59]
Martin87: These cycle superhighways are death traps. Do you know how slidy the manhole covers are? If these were proper cycle lanes this would never happen. I blame Boris for this. The man never had a good idea in his life. [24th February 02:26]
bert: Yawn, more anti-brexit crap. [24th February 02:38]
marmite: The reason people in London are becoming more rude is because bad manners from other countries are being imported. [24th February 02:41]
alextapani: no it's because racist people like yourself become more and more angry as the day passes and anger brings rudeness [24th February 02:49]
JW: I think it would be quite fun to park a bus behind that delivery driver so he couldn't get out, and then he'd be late for his next customer and would lose all his minimum wages for the day which would serve him right. Look, there are even double red lines underneath the back of the van! The Tesco bloke must have known he couldn't park there. [24th February 02:54]
Caitlin: What are double red lines? Are double red lines like double yellow lines only red? [24th February 03:16]
Bimto: Ooh I know this one! Vehicles are not allowed to stop at any time on double red lines. They operate every day, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and do not require a sign. [24th February 03:17]
sean: Ah [smugface emoji] what if it's a leap year, eh? [24th February 03:25]
Bimto: Ooh I know this one too! Leap years were introduced by Julius Caesar in 45BC. Here, let me cut and paste this from Wikipedia because I am intelligent. "Caesar also replaced the intercalary month by a single intercalary day, located where the intercalary month used to be. To create the intercalary day, the existing ante diem sextum Kalendas Martias (February 24) was doubled, producing ante diem bis sextum Kalendas Martias. Hence, the year containing the doubled day was a bissextile (bis sextum, "twice sixth") year. For legal purposes, the two days of the bis sextum were considered to be a single day." [24th February 03:28]
Bob: Is that Bus Stop M? Wow! All bow down LOL [24th February 04:01]
J Lewis: I think this is the fault of our modern delivery culture. Whenever you buy something online you just give your address, wherever you happen to live, and the poor driver has to find some way of parking near your house, even if you live on a red route. They should charge double for anyone who lives on a red route. [24th February 04:37]
muffintop: Look at all the plastic bags in those boxes the man is unloading. It's terrible how many plastic bags supermarkets use when they pack your food. No wonder all the puffins in the North Sea are dying. And they charge you 5p a time! [24th February 05:12]
[no name given]: I know this is off-topic but I saw in the news today that all the evening commuters at Canary Wharf station queue for their trains and there's this amazing photo and I'm sure I'm the only person who's seen it. [24th February 05:50]
Harry: London needs more red lines, not less. [24th February 06:16]
Barry: @Harry you wrote less, but the number of red lines is countable so you should of written fewer [24th February 06:31]
Garry: @Barry you wrote should of, but you shouldve written should have [24th February 06:42]
Larry: @Garry you wrote shouldve, but you should've written should've [24th February 06:47]
Alec: I think everyone has forgotten the cyclists. They're the victims here. [24th February 06:59]
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