Monday, May 13, 2019
18th diamond geezer Annual General Meeting
Sunday 12th May 2019, 3pm
Ye Olde Swiss Cottage, Swiss Cottage, NW3

Chair: DG
Attendee: DS
Numerous apologies for absence were assumed.
1. Opening statement
The meeting was called to order by the Chair via the ceremonial raising of a pint of Sam Smiths.
2. Business from the Previous Meeting
The Committee was asked to approve and authorise the minutes of the meeting of the AGM held on Tuesday 15th May 2018 at the Honourable Artillery Company, Finsbury Barracks, City Rd, London EC1.
3. Matters Arising
It was agreed that action 13 of the previous meeting should be rephrased to specifically refer to the roadmap to reframe the zero capacity target against recognised global benchmarks going forward.
4. Logistical Capability
The Chair congratulated DS on his successful transfer from the North American Office to Her Majesty's Kingdom. Discussion focused on potential locations for permanent resettlement, with Clapham the preferred London focus at the present time (Hackney East having been discounted following a visit by staff and partners).
5. Editorial Bias
DS suggested that relentless emphasis on the negative aspects of flat-building was inappropriate in the long term, and that augmenting accumulated accommodation (perhaps through the redevelopment of Green Belt land) was key to meeting wider housing needs within the greater population. The Chair apologised for any perceived bias, whilst reasserting that the underlying issue related more to affordability than how ugly the brickwork looked.
6. Collective Refocusing
DS queried whether the DG audience was mostly old men moaning, or whether this was merely a self-selecting subset of the wider readership. The Chair confirmed that this was unconfirmed.
7. Ballpark Appraisal
Representatives from the venue interrupted discussions to collect empty glasses. Delegates noted the unusual manner in which the chalet's quirky appearance concealed a typical careworn public house within - somewhat gloomy and very much old school, all cosy chairs and sheepskin rugs. The chef was not troubled.
8. Data Mining
DS alluded in passing to the Mystery Count. The Chair did not refute or confirm any insinuations.
9. Longevity Empowerment
Attendees noted that, with 33 years of continuous blogging between them, they had the right to feel slightly smug. Long-term escrow procedures were discussed, in both electronic and paper-based form.
10. Sustainable Leverage
After two and a half hours it felt safe to move the conversation onto matters of European disentanglement. Discussion was cut short when it became apparent that general stakeholder opinions were essentially aligned. Further beers were ordered.
11. Touchpoint Drilldown
Additional topics of conversation included urban zoning analysis, retrospective network development, transactional best practice, long-term asset management and ongoing liminal meanderings.
12. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8pm, shortly after the sun lowered behind the flats of the Hilgrove Estate and the exterior ambience crossed the suboptimal horizon.
Date and time of next meeting: This was not discussed, but details will be disseminated via the usual channels no fewer than five days in advance. All are welcome.
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