Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The date that the date will be announced for the switch-on of the Oxford Street Christmas lights has been announced.

The Christmas lights on Oxford Street are always special, indeed we can all remember the first time we saw them. But seeing them is no longer enough, what's important is to be present at the precise moment when they suddenly appear. And that's why knowing the date of the switch-on has become so critical, which is why knowing the date of the announcement about the switch-on has become paramount in all our lives.
Nothing says Christmas like the announcement of the date for the Oxford Street Christmas lights switch on. A frosty pop-up gingerbread igloo might get your festive spirits fizzing, and a spicy mulled wine from a temporary market chalet might gladden Santa's soul, but the season of goodwill has only truly arrived when the switch-on date for the Oxford Street Christmas lights has been announced.
That date has not yet been announced, but it will be announced soon, and we're smugly chuffed to say we know when that announcement will be.

The year essentially divides into two parts, the long lonely months when nobody knows when the announcement about the Oxford Street Christmas lights switch on will be made, and the rosy glow as the nights draw in after the crucial information has been imparted. Well rest easy folks, because the most wonderful time of the year is almost imminent.
The whole of London always turns out for the great Oxford Street Christmas lights switch-on, thronging the roadway outside Selfridges with joyful anticipation. But we all know how agonising not knowing the precise timing of this great event can be, because this makes it impossible to book any other social events in the first week of November for fear of missing out.
So diaries at the ready because, thanks to us, you're about to be able to fill in the date when you'll discover what the big date is.

The Oxford Street lights are usually the first to be switched on in the capital each year. But the announcement about the date of that switch-on can lag several days behind the announcement about other lesser switch-ons on other less significant streets, and we always make sure to announce those too.
The date for the switch-on of the Covent Garden Christmas lights was announced on Wednesday 9th October. The name of the VIP performing the switch-on was not announced but the date was, along with several cut-and-pastable phrases, so we really went to town with our illustrated news collateral.
The date for the switch-on of the Trafalgar Square Christmas lights was announced on Monday 14th October. We learned the date from a press release you didn't get, which is why we were the first to bring you the happy news along with all the other media platforms who received the same email.

The date for the switch-on of the Regent Street Christmas lights was also announced on Monday 14th October. Not only do we now know when that date is, we also know what form those lights will take, but these words needed to be exciting so we won't be letting on that they're exactly the same lights as last year.
The date for the switch-on of the Carnaby Street Christmas lights was announced on Tuesday 15th October. We were right in there on social media with news of the announcement, but without ever revealing the precise date until you clicked through to our monetised platform.
The date for the switch-on of the Oxford Street Christmas lights has not yet been announced, but expect us to write hundreds of words about the scheduling of the event in an unnecessarily bubbly way. Be sure to subscribe today to be able to find out where to click to discover what that date is and how exciting everything will be.

Which Heart DJ will host the grand switch-on extravaganza? Which former X Factor finalists will be giggling behind the microphone before miming to their new single? None of this crucial information is yet known, but the date on which it will be known is getting closer, and we now know for definite just how much closer it is.
The shops on Oxford Street will be going all out to celebrate the event, with in-store gigs and pop-up performances taking place on the night (full details to be announced), plus shopping and dining special offers. We'll be there, because we have to say that, and we know you'll be there too, even though you won't.
What we've sussed is that there's money to be made in knowing things before you do. We know you have no intention whatsoever of standing in a cold street for an hour watching some non-entities flick a switch, but we know you can't resist knowing when it'll happen. You are therefore guaranteed to engage with our collateral to find out more, and your click's micropayment helps keep us in the black, which is why we keep serving up teasers without revealing anything of substance.

The date that the date will be announced for the switch-on of the Oxford Street Christmas lights has been announced. Expect more of this pointless clickbait fluff from us forever going forward.
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