Saturday, December 07, 2019
Saturday, December 14, 2019
General Election - Lessons Learned
Conservative | Lib Dem | Labour |
1. Lying works, so long as it gets you into power.
2. Charisma outranks trust.
3. Scrutiny is unnecessary.
4. Relentlessly focusing on a handful of key slogans, over and over again, hits home with people who don't normally pay attention to politics.
5. Sufficient people don't pay attention to politics to balance out the votes of the informed.
6. A general election is a Hard Brexit referendum you can win with under 50% of the vote.
7. Always promise better services and lower taxes.
8. If you can't quash Islamophobia in your own party, nobody minds.
9. Nigel Farage deserves a peerage for standing half his candidates down.
10. It's OK, everyone's forgotten 2010-2019. | 1. Nobody's forgiven you for tuition fees.
2. You'll only ever govern in coalition, so don't pretend otherwise.
3. Tactical voting only works if everyone agrees what the tactics are.
4. Standing down candidates in target constituencies might have lost you seats, but won you the election.
5. Sorry, nobody's forgotten 2010-2015. | 1. The country doesn't want socialism.
2. When the Tories go right wing, don't go left wing.
3. 2017 wasn't a near victory requiring bolder policies.
4. Jeremy isn't your saviour, he's your problem.
5. A new leader might be thrashing this.
6. Many traditional Labour voters care more about Brexit than the NHS.
7. Massive public spending is no longer a votewinner.
8. If you can't quash anti-Semitism in your own party, you'll never run the country.
9. The old always vote. The young don't see the point.
10. Sorry, nobody's forgotten 1974-1979. |
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