Wednesday, July 15, 2020
although why wait eleven days although this is an attack on our civil liberties although it's just basic good manners although I refuse to comply with this pathetic attempt at control although if you're not wearing one 'on principle' that's just impolite although nothing would make me less likely to go shopping although it's odd to have waited until now to have this debate although many countries have been wearing then for weeks although the number of cases is going down so it's far too late although everybody in Edinburgh wears them already although it's not a legal necessity yet so I won't thanks although if doctors can wear them for hours then I can too although this is an absolutely monstrous imposition although we all have an inalienable right not be mildly inconvenienced although you can't make me do it although I question a Tory government that tells me how I should dress although I can't breathe properly through one although we should have been told to wear them in March although they told us in March there was no evidence for it although there weren't enough spares for the public in March although it means people will end up touching their faces more often although I'd wear one if you put a poppy on it although very soon you won't dream of going anywhere without one although I bet some people whined about turning their lights off during the Blitz although it'll be like wearing a muzzle although for heaven's sake you're supposed to wear it over your nose although it does make you look like a ninja although the evidence for wearing them is actually quite weak although I'm sure most people will obey the law perfectly happily although I bet Churchill would never have worn one although there are always loudmouth nay-sayers although I'm doing all my shopping online from now on although those of us who can do obviously should do although no way will I bow to this stupidity although going shopping is nothing compared to a long hospital shift although these bloody things will be around for months or even years although do you really want to kill a vulnerable stranger although it must be a free choice although if everyone did this we could drive this epidemic to the ground in six weeks although it's just a plot to restart the economy by getting us all to stand closer together although this is the most authoritarian government of my lifetime although it's not like the virus isn't dangerous this week although it's all just mixed messages although we've never previously made them mandatory during flu season although I cannot believe how much some people are whingeing about this although this'll make it much easier for criminals to hide their identities although it doesn't protect me only you although people don't seem to know how to wear them properly although the low death rate in Japan is conclusive proof they're essential although I get claustrophobic wearing anything on my face although they're just a placebo to get scared people out of the house although I started wearing mine months ago although we just don't have the cultural awareness for it although we should rely on the common sense of the British people although why not sooner although this is a plan to take control of humanity although I have asthma so I reckon I'm exempt although I'm only going to wear a scarf although there's no logic to making them mandatory at this stage although I'll do it if it protects someone more vulnerable than me although I bet most people will avoid the shops now although you could solve all this by printing a St George's flag across the front although our high streets will become dehumanising dystopian hell-holes although it's been proved they're not actually effective although it's still better than being dead although shopkeepers will never be able to enforce this although it can still get in through your eyes although they're so hot and uncomfortable although it'll make it impossible for deaf people to lip read although nobody moans about wearing seat belts these days although Boris is just following Globalist orders to crash the economy although I refuse to embrace the so-called new normal although we should have introduced them already although I will not go into any shop that requires me to wear one although the government urgently needs to get its priorities straight although why would a healthy person with a good immune system need to wear one although the whole point is that nobody knows if they're healthy or not although the science is flaky and inconsistent at best although the virus isn't having ten days off although I'm sure I've had it already although this is the final nail in the high street coffin although tucking it below your chin doesn't count although the People Will Rebel Against This Diktat although what about pubs and restaurants and schools although it's mad that shop workers don't have to wear one although this will just make me feel sick and disconnected although I shall do all my shopping at outdoor markets from now on although it should have been mandatory from day one although it seems rather authoritarian at this stage although I reckon it's just to make the snowflakes feel safer although they decrease oxygen intake and increase toxic inhalation although it should be compulsory in all indoor spaces although 3 micron holes in fabric don't actually stop 1 micron particles although who are these idiots who won't wear one although this is a bigger mistake than lockdown was although I struggle to understand people's reticence here although I'm never voting Conservative again although the mandatory use of nappies on our faces is a step too far although wearing one is such a small thing to do when it can save lives although you will not make me do this although how can people be so selfish?
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