Sunday, July 05, 2020
NHS quiz
To celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the National Health Service,
here are 20 words containing the letters N, H and S (in that order).
I've surgically removed all the other letters.
How many 'NHS' words can you resuscitate?
For example, *N*H*S would be INCHES.
(but I've tried to avoid plurals)
1) **NH**S*
2) N*H***S*
3) *N***H*S*
4) ***N*H*S*
5) N***H**S*
6) **N*H**S*
7) ***N*H***S
8) *N*H*S****
9) ****NH**S*
10) **N***H*S* | 11) N**H*S****
12) *****N*H*S
13) *N*H*****S*
14) N***H****S*
15) N**H*****S*
16) ****N*H*S**
17) *NH*S*******
18) N*****H***S*
19) *******N*H*S**
20) N***H********S* |
(All answers now in the comments box)
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