Friday, August 13, 2021

I was walking through Hackney the other day when I saw this street sign, and I literally stopped on the pavement and shook my fist in sheer grammatical frustration. I could feel my anger boiling and my blood pressure rising as I stared at the lower case abomination in the second word. I could not believe that this irresponsible signage had been signed off by someone and installed in public view in perpetuity. Was it not checked at any point during the manufacturing process? Should it not have been subject to a prescribed stage of proof reading? What in Hackney's name were they thinking?
I literally cannot understand how this could have happened. It is beyond my comprehension that any set of circumstances could have arisen whereby the capitalisation of an actual street sign could end up being incorrect, and it is a shameful reflection of our modern education system that it has occurred. It is of course typical of councils like Hackney that this kind of thing slips through unnoticed, and all part of the wasteful culture that blights all council employees as they squander hard-earned taxpayers money like the miserable parasites they are, and it makes me so angry.

I saw this sign in Bethnal Green and I literally could not believe what I was seeing. I had to go back and look at it again just to reinforce how hateful it made me feel and this immediately made me even angrier. The sign says 'New Traffic Island' but look at the state of it, this cannot be anything new whatsoever. The lettering's shabby, the background's bleached, the whole thing's barely readable and how could they have left this in place for such a long time? I actually checked online so that I could feel more self-righteous and it turns out the prohibited right turn was introduced in September 2006, so this so called 'New' traffic island is in fact 15 years old.
It's all very well councils putting up signs but somebody needs to remember to take them down again and nobody ever does. I would never have made this mistake, indeed I never have, so it's all the worse that this shabby anachronism has been allowed to fester in plain sight. But it is of course typical of councils like Tower Hamlets that this kind of thing slips through unnoticed because councils are all as bad as each other, indeed everything they do is criminally negligent as this sign proves, and it makes me so angry.

I must have seen this pub sign in Stepney dozens of times without getting annoyed, but this time I looked more carefully and it enraged me. This Wetherspoons is supposed to be The Half Moon but the moon on the pub sign is not a half moon it is a crescent moon, in fact I'd say only a quarter of the disc is illuminated. How ridiculous can you get? Did they just not think? Does nobody understand fractions?! Whoever designed it must have realised what they were doing because the name of the pub is written immediately above the incorrectly-shaded satellite, so the whole thing's just another example of sloppy corporate thinking.
I know Wetherspoons aren't afraid to broadcast controversial opinions on Brexit and employment rights and the like, and I could almost forgive them for that, but for me this really badly-drawn moon is the last straw. The rot goes right to the very top because if the boss was genuinely interested in the wellbeing of his customers he would have ensured that every aspect of the business was properly thought through. I cannot possibly condone giving my custom to any company that could make an error as slapdash as this so I will be boycotting Wetherspoons until someone resolves this travesty of a pub sign, and it makes me so angry.

I saw this sign at a church in Mile End and I could not believe what I was seeing. The building faces the main road and can only be entered up a flight of granite steps so there is no level access, which means someone's had to add a sign directing worshippers towards the nearest step-free church. I don't know what the Victorians were thinking when they built churches unsuitable for wheelchairs but it incenses me that they could have been so insensitive. A number of grab rails have been added but quite frankly they're really not good enough and less mobile parishioners must be bereft.
I'm no Roman Catholic so this doesn't affect me in the slightest but that hasn't stopped me becoming incandescent. Also I initially assumed they'd spelt Sienna wrong but it turns out the step-free church really is named after Catherine of Siena, although that isn't how I'd have spelt it so that made me cross too. I certainly won't be embracing any branch of religion that can't make an effort to be accessible to all members of the community, and quite frankly the Pope should be on top of this kind of thing and it makes me so angry.

This sign appears outside a school on Bow Road, and because I go round looking for things to make me cross it made me cross. Oh for goodness sake that is not what you meant, you do not want I, a mere passer-by, to press your buzzer. And yet you have phrased your message as an instruction which, were I to take it literally, would force me to stop and communicate with your reception entirely unnecessarily. Also there are four buzzwords underneath and they are not doing anything to help the situation, indeed they are just meaningless box-ticking waffle and perhaps I should just press the buzzer if only to scream and shout about how meaningless they are.
I would never have placed a sign with this wording outside a school had anyone ever given me the responsibility to do so, which they never have. I would certainly never have made such an error because I only see fault in others, never in myself. I am inordinately fixated on what I see as substandard actions and incorrect procedures and lazy behaviour, and feel permanently compelled to convey my indignant prejudices to anyone who'll listen. The world would be a better place if I just calmed down and stopped thinking the worst of everyone for not doing what I would have done, because nobody likes a blinkered intolerant self-obsessed grumpy miseryguts, but when I see stuff like this I just cannot help myself and it makes me so pointlessly angry.
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