Friday, August 27, 2021
It starts by the zebra stripes
It fits all Beckton stereotypes
This leafy straight off-piste backalley
I've come for a gawk
To Mavis Walk
No car can follow it
But people live on it
One house has vibrant spiral topiary
CCTV points like a hawk
Down Mavis Walk
The dogwalker tugs his hound
No mess is left upon the ground
A squirrel hops along the picket fence
Other alleyways fork
Off Mavis Walk
The paving has odd bumps in it
One brick wall has a nasty split
That hanging basket needed more watering
It's easy to baulk
At Mavis Walk
An abandoned plastic stroller
Discarded wrapper, can of cola
Two teenage girls rendezvous on a doorstep
They've come to talk
On Mavis Walk
Cables hang across the sky
We're between two pylons, that's why
It's tranquil and shady but no property hotspot
Not by a long chalk
Is Mavis Walk
Comments (14)
I've read better poems.
Andy 8/27/2021 07:06amIt doesn't even scan.
Charles Baker 8/27/2021 07:07am15 Of London’s Most Drool-Worthy, Food Coma-Inducing Burgers
Sponsored content Suggested for youWhat fresh hell is this?
Babs of Sussex 8/27/2021 07:13amI used to live in Kestrel Avenue. We backed onto Mavis Walk. I had a Morris Minor and bin collection day was Wednesday.
becktonman 8/27/2021 07:14amIt looks like the comments have upgraded to some modern fancy mobile-friendly template and I hate it.
JPM 8/27/2021 07:18amCrome London: The Capital Gets Its First French Toast Cafe
Sponsored content Suggested for youOf course technically this wasn't Greater London until 1965, although the houses are more recent than that.
Dave Mason 8/27/2021 07:20amAll fascinating stuff, as ever...
ziggerzagger 8/27/2021 07:28amNormally I'd say thanks for going so we don't have to, but in this case I don't think any thanks are appropriate.
Ursula 8/27/2021 07:29amThe world’s first tequila taproom is coming to London
Sponsored content Suggested for youSurely it's the third and fifth lines of a quintain that rhyme?
Pete Menzies 8/27/2021 07:33amThank you, I have added this to my list of must-visits next time I'm in London.
the robster 8/27/2021 07:38amPersonally I prefer the ambience of the parallel Chetwood Walk.
E6 resident 8/27/2021 07:41am
Sponsored content AutoplayThis is a step too far. I will not be back.
One Of The Johns 8/27/2021 07:44amHow do I change the suggestions so I get ads for heritage train videos instead?
Gregor 8/27/2021 07:56amI really don't think poetry is your strong point.
William W 8/27/2021 07:57amComment: