Tuesday, March 18, 2025
My apologies that today's main posts were for old people.
For balance, here's a younger sign about young people.
Watch Out Children About
This sign appears in Colman Road, Beckton E16.
It must be less than 60 years old because Newham was founded 59 years, 11 months and 50 weeks ago.
It includes the name
G.R.ILEY C.ENG.,M.I.C.E.,M.I.Mun.E.,F.Inst.H.E.
who presumably was borough engineer or held some similar post.
» C.ENG. = Chartered Engineer (now normally abbreviated CEng)Nobody would flaunt their professional ego like that these days.
» M.I.C.E. = member of the Institution of Civil Engineers
» M.I.Mun.E. = member of Institution of Municipal Engineers
» F.Inst.H.E. = fellow of the Institute of Highway Engineers
But more notably...
This may be the British road sign which includes the most full stops.
It includes 16 full stops altogether.