Monday, February 01, 2016
For thirteen consecutive Februaries on diamond geezer I've kept myself busy by counting things. Ten different counts, to be precise, in a stats-tastic 28-day feature called The Count. You therefore won't be surprised to hear that I intend to do exactly the same again this year, indeed you'd no doubt be disappointed otherwise. I kicked off this annual exercise way back in 2003, so I now have over a dozen years of thrilling historical data to analyse. Expect a post or two of comparisons at the end of the month, if you're vaguely interested, and if you can bear the wait. Here's my selected list of ten countables for February 2016.
Count 1: Number of visits to this blog (Feb 2015 total: 58380) (↑13% on 2014)
Count 2: Number of comments on this blog (Feb 2015 total: 625) (↑31%)
Count 3: Number of words I wrote on this blog (Feb 2015 total: 30363) (↓6%)
Count 4: Number of hours each day I sleep (Feb 2015 total: 163) (↓1%)
Count 5: Number of nights I go out and am vaguely sociable (Feb 2015 total: 8) (↑33%)
Count 6: Number of bottles of Becks I drink (Feb 2015 total: 0) (↓100%)
Count 7: Number of cups of tea I drink (Feb 2015 total: 129) (-)
Count 8: Number of trains I travel on (Feb 2015 total: 124) (↑23%)
Count 9: Number of steps I walk (Feb 2015 total: 282391) (↑11%)
Count 10: The Mystery Count (Feb 2015 total: 0) (again)
I probably ought to tweak the Beck's-related sixth count, because it's proven increasingly over-specific over the years. Back in 2003 my bottled lager of choice was readily available, but now it's much more likely to be absent from the choices offered, thereby forcing me to drink something else. Good riddance, you might say, but focusing the annual statistics on Becks is making my alcohol consumption appear unnaturally low. I'm not intending to change Count Six, for reasons of tradition, but I will also be totting up the number of alternative bottles/pints of lager I get through. Last year that was only four, and all in one night in a Sam Smith's pub where the options were limited. My liver looks safe for some years yet.
Once again I'll be using an online website called Daytum to keep track of my counts. Daytum is a real-time data tracker which displays numbers in a pretty way, and which somehow hasn't gone offline since I started using it. For a while it'll be displaying last February's totals, but then I'll set everything back to zero and start reporting this year's counts from scratch. I then intend to update my counts on Daytum at least once a day until the 28th of the month, and then I'll come back and tell you how my February went. Who knows, the Mystery Count might even require enumeration this year, although I wouldn't get your hopes up. Stalk away.
» The Count 2016
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